Ana içeriğe geç
Version: 1.0.1

Job Scheduling

Provides scheduled job operations.

Schedule Configurations

Schedule config for scheduling jobs.

CronExpressionCron expression of job.
TimeZoneInfoTime zone information of job.
CronFormatCron format enum.


Create your job class with inherit MilvaCronJobService. Override ExecuteAsync method. This is the method by which the work is done. Write the job you want to schedule in this method.

public class MyCronJob : MilvaCronJobService
public MyCronJob(IScheduleConfig scheduleConfig) : base(scheduleConfig)

public override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => Console.WriteLine("Executed!");

Register the required services to service collection.

services.AddMilvaCronJob<MyCronJob>(c =>
c.TimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
c.CronExpression = @"* * * * * *"; // Every second
c.CronFormat = CronFormat.IncludeSeconds;